Mandatory medical treatment in Copenhagen

Hi everybody, the neighbour upstairs to my apartment is delirious and constantly in hysterics, and I don't know what to do anymore. He angry screams at the top of his lungs and makes other sounds (like hysterically laughing/crying, shouting mocking sounds, that I can only imagine he's making a face and pulling out his tongue when he does that) that make it clear he's not mentally sane. This sounds kinda ridiculous I know, but I promise I'm neither making it up nor exaggerating, if anything it's worse than I'm describing.

I can hear him during the day very well from inside the apartment, and occasionally he goes on all throughout the night It's so loud, the first time I noticed it was because he jerked me awake at 2am with his screaming. I brought it up with the building management but nothing was done, and I don't want to face him myself because of the potential danger. However I feel like escalating with the police without trying something else is a bit unfair. I've also considered calling for mandatory medical treatment, if that's a thing in Denmark.

Any advice on what to do?