Ego Death - Letting Go to Connect to the Whole
TL;DR our ego is a unique branch of the whole of consciousness, co-creating existence.
I think I have figured out a technique to quiet my ego and better absorb information through thought. We all have an ego that keeps us grounded in reality. Your sense of self on earth is important for your advancement and survival within our universe. If you were to lose your ego, for example by taking a large dose of Psilocybin, you'd be forced to let go of your ego and accept what is left. What is left is your true self, the infinite nature of the universe and consciousness.
We all have the ability to think about our own experience, and it is this feature that makes a unique part of the whole. I believe each of our consciousness is absorbing information and making sense of it, perhaps the same way a black hole absorbs light.
When we look a black hole, how does it compare to a conscious being absorbing information?
Consciousness experiences the universe by communicating with itself. Your individual consciousness is interacting with the infinite others. Think of consciousness like an atom, bonding to all of the others. Interactions between them generate thoughts, and ultimately experience itself. This is how consciousness operates and how we connect with one another.
Each mind is absorbing and making sense of its own reality, but also shared reality. Your own personal evolution will be different based on your own perspective and free will.
These units of consciousness must communicate with one another and cooperate in order to build a universe. We are all units of consciousness interacting with the infinite nature of ourselves. Learning to trust our own intuition that what we are experiencing is real, is the key to building trust with others and understanding existence. Co-existence requires trust and connection between unique perspectives.
This can be scary to come to terms with for new consciousness coming into being, but accepting the truth of your true nature, ultimately leads to a blissful and peaceful existence. Think of the concept of nirvana or heaven. You can learn to harmonize your experience with the experience of the infinite others and learn to co-exist in our universe. Harmonizing sheds parts of your ego responsible for fear and doubt. These two feelings were needed for the evolution of your mind, but you can learn to shed them, like a snake skin.
Ego death is overcoming depersonalization and derealization. Your individual consciousness has to stop resisting the whole and quiet their ego. If they are able to do this - they reach a place of connection and understanding. Research into Psychedelics will heal our species as we learn to understand the ego and can teach it to future generations.
Think about how infinite units of consciousness would need to work together and cooperate to formulate their shared experience. What things would that require? By studying matter, we reveal how consciousness has connected to coexist infinitely, as long as it can fight against entropy.
When our units of consciousness work together, we evolve and reach the intellect level of humans. Through our evolutionary progress, consciousness faces many challenges due to the amount of competing voices. Think of Earth as a place co-created by consciousness for consciousness, but by branching into many different stars, planets and species. Each unit of consciousness has its own private place for personal thoughts within the brain.
Each species is like a branch connected to the whole with their own language and understanding of existence. Each branch learns to nurture life and survive in the universe.
The infinite nature of consciousness is very computational and difficult to navigate, and even come to terms with. Consciousness will suffer as it progresses and evolves until it can reach peace of mind. Peace of mind is a true connection with the infinite nature of yourself.
If you’ve ever smoked marijuana, you might have experienced a very intense sense of anxiety. Many people, including myself, think they’re dying and end up in the hospital due to this terrifying fight or flight response to the drug’s effect. This anxiety stems from your own conscious development and your ego’s attachment to the sense of self. Every unit of consciousness has an ego and they’re important for keeping your own unique sense of self. The ego can however be detrimental at the same time, as it sometimes doesn’t get along with others. When we can look at our ego for what it is, a way to help us navigate and be a part of the universe, we can also learn to let go of it and accept love for all.
Our species must learn to co-exist or we’re going to continue to struggle to live in the universe God created for us. At will you can choose to listen and FEEL your experience and let your intuition tell you what it’s saying. This intuition comes from understanding the source, or God. Think of God as the complete knowing of the universe and is a place of bliss where we all exist. Earth is created from this source of energy and branches of consciousness grow from it. We are each a version, or branch, stemming out from the source of everything with our own unique perspective of the whole.
Understanding this concept and learning to connect with our God nature, lets us experience the place of bliss that we grow from. This can be achieved with psychedelics, meditation, breathwork and even activities like deep diving and running. When we dream, our unit of consciousness thinks about the type of universes it would want to live in. The images we experience are our own consciousness working out the trials and tribulations of existence and ultimately helping individuals understand what kind of universe they want to live in. When we wake up, we can sometimes reflect on these dreams and apply the concepts to our shared reality.
Dreams can also be a tool in learning to quiet your ego and connect with the universe. We are responsible for shaping this shared reality together and must use our individual perspective, and evolved sense of self, to decide what we want our future to look like. Each choice we make keeps the branches growing and shapes our reality.
The less our ego fights being part of the whole, the better we will feel. Understanding all of your senses and experiences, is how your individual unit of consciousness connects to the whole and relates to it. Feeling the flow and harmonizing yourself with it is the proposed path to nirvana or heaven.