I’ve completely given up on myself and plan to end it

19F and I’m at my breaking point, in all honesty I just want to give up on life it’s self. For the past 4 months I’ve been in a slump of depression and anger, I was in a relationship as well which ended fairly recently(about a week ago) and since then everything just been pilled up, I noticed I didn’t have anyone in my corner at all. No friend, family, and boyfriend I mean hey he left me because of my insecurities and me not changing which is understandable but it hurts so much, because I wish I could just stop and change and stop being insecure so much. Anyways when I left my depression got worse everything became more noticeable on how boring and lonely my life is. I go to work, play some games, sleep and repeat. Nothing fun, nothing that much entertaining, no excitement nobody to tell me they’re happy and proud of me. NOTHING, I’m just alone in a lonely dull life that I honestly want to end. I’m sitting here contemplating on when to do it, I have a plan I will go through with it. I’m so tired of being alone and unhappy with my life.

Update 1/21/25 2:11pm cst Yes I am alive, I read all the messages through the day and the night aswell I was confused and I still am and still in the mindset to still do it, but at the same time I do want to live reason why I made the post, I want to find a reason to. No it wasn’t an attention grab I honestly doubted it was going to get an attention at all. I barely work now only 1-2 times a week so I’m honestly stuck in the house. I don’t drive and I never learned how to but I do want to go to the gym, and try to better myself and get closer to god. To see if it’ll help me want to stay and not give up, thank you for the 300+ of you that commented and the 100+ of you that messaged me I appreciate it and love each and everyone one of you. God bless and thank you to the Reddit community for saving me❤️