Is 25 credit hours for your final semester terrible.

Hello everyone I’m in a bit of a pickle in terms of my current situation. I would say I’m near graduating from school. I currently have 88 credit hours and need 120 to graduate, so I only have 32 more credits left. Fall 25 I took “21 credits”, but in reality it was 17 credits, 16 of the credits were at my main instatution and the 1 credit hour was at a local CC taking a math class.

I say 21 credit hours instead of 17 as my math is only worth 1 credit hour to my degree but in general it’s a 5 credit hour course. I passed all of my main institution classes with 2 C’s 2 B’s and an A. But failed my cc math class due to the distance, I would often have to leave one of my classes early to go to my math class but would come in extremely late, it was not uncommon to show up to a test 30 mins late to a 50 min class.

Despite all of this I didn’t feel stressed during the semester I worked ahead when I could. I even had insufferable roommates but I still did ok. I’m saying all of this to ask if 25 credit hours(22 at my main uni, 3 at a CC for math online asynchronous), is doable. My councilor isn’t very accepting to course overrides and I currently am registered for 19 credits(I need one more class for 22). If I cannot take this one class it will mean I will have to wait 11 more months to take one class to graduate, which I cannot financially support as of right now.

My plan was to take 25 credit hours now so I can take an early walk graduation. Then finish my last hours at a local CC. How viable is my plan?