As a non-traditional student, I just discovered CLEP and I have just started down the rabbit hole. Any tips?
I recently enrolled in school to finally go obtain a bachelors, mainly because of HR requirements for career progression. I haven't been to school in 200 years so its definitely an adjustment. The main problem is time as I am 100% online. I have to balance my actual job and also all of these online class requirements.
So far I have taken 6 classes over 2 semesters. I have put minimal effort into the videos and I have had exactly 1 conversation with a professor. Ive passed all the classes with and have a B average. I have not gotten much from the classes because they are the "freshman" level and don't apply to my career at all.
Fast forward and I stumble across CLEP. Apparently I can take a test on certain classes for $50-100 and if I pass, I get instant credit without having to labor through 16 weeks of insane required tests and videos? I have so many questions but I am going to limit them here and then start down the youtube rabbit hole.
If I take the tests and pass, how does that effect my GPA and or my ability to apply for the actual business school when the requirements are met?
Are there any free guides or practice tests or do I need to spend some money and buy some studying resources? If so, are there suggested ones or does it vary on each test?
It looks like each school has certain classes they allow you to use CLEP. Are there any that are a standard that you would recommend everyone do instead of the actual class? After grinding through a Macroeconomics class for 16 weeks, I honestly think I could have just taken the final and gotten an A. I didn't watch one lecture and finished with a 93.
Any advice, links, test recommendations, etc would be greatly appreciated. I feel like I should take as many of these tests as I can and then at least try and skip all this bullshit if possible. Thanks!