is 18 too young to get sterilized? more questions

i recently turned 18 and have wanted to get sterilized ever since i knew it was a possibility. i live in the US and want to look into options. i saw people recommend bisalp, tubal litigation, and hysterectomies. but i dont even know where to start. i’m absolutely positive in my decision about never wanting to have children. i’ve never wanted them, i have no desire, and i have tokophobia so even the thought of pregnancy and childbirth scares me, as well as even seeing a pregnant woman or new born baby. it disgusts me so bad, and i want to get sterilized, especially another reason being is because im young and i know how evil some men in this world can be, unfortunately anything can be a possibility and i want to eliminate any chance. any tips reccomendations or advice? i know i am still young but i want to keep my options open and be more educated on how to protect my reproductive abilities and not have my worse fear come true lol thank u