Farewell dear Apes
I have 108 plots now, running in 3 x 4TB WD RED Plus. I've stared 4 weeks ago and I've paid around $34 per TB but it's standard price here in Europe. More on that I gave almost $400 for SSD. I have one more disk but there is no point in plotting it right now. I've entered the mining/farming as I was expecting pools to appear soon. When pools didn't come out I've decided to get onboard the Chia ship and bought some XCH with OKex. That was 3 weeks ago. I've took my lesson not to rush with spending money and I have been buying XCH for $25 daily for 2 weeks. I've started with price $1400, now it's $600?
At some point, posts I've seen here, these with dozens of new disks delivered and investments thousands of dollars, reminded me the #GME in mid February and WallStreatBeats subreddit. We all meant to be rich and of course I've lost some money there too.
I've checked what can I get with my plots and calculator estimates for next 6 months are around $70. If I join HPool I will pay 30% taxes, solo I will not mine anything with this probability.
I can say I'm done with running the Chia client. I have not a dedicated server so I have to run ~50W PC all the time. At this point electricity bill will be higher then the reward.
I'm sure that I've seen posts back in the begging of May saying that it's already too late. But I didn't want to admit that I'm too late. I've lost so many chances, I didn't want to lose this one.
What I regret is not how much I've paid for the hardware - let's be honest 4 additional disks will be useful in the future. What I've done wrong was I've spent so much time on that topic. I was reading posts, adding disks, playing with SATA PCIE cards that didn't work, checking exchange rates, checking exchange platforms etc. I will not lie I've spent more then 20 hours on that just wasting my time to increase my loses.
Therefore today I'm shutting down my node. Observer the drop in the Netspace ;) Maybe I will move disks to external location where I have a running server, maybe I will just delete the plots and replace them with movies and series.
I wish you all good luck and get some coins out of this network and see you next time when a new opportunity to lose money appear.