I quit playing chess online, but feel like it was the right choice

I guess i'm just geting my thoughts out about my recent decision to quit and wondering if anyone has done anything similar. I am not a great chess player. I believe my peak was 1500 rapid 1150 blitz chess.com. I have probably played over 3000 games online over my chess playing life. I started playing again about a month or so a go and was realy enjoying it to start out with. I then started to get stressed about my rating. I try to go into the mind set that losing is better than winning as you can learn fromy our mistakes, but I just find myself getting angry.

Games where I lost to a genuinely better player I always felt positively about, but when I keep blundering pieces in 1 or 2 moves and just losing, for some reason I can't seem to control my emotions and get really angry and upset with myself and then just continue massive losing streaks and the cycle continues. I realised last night that I am not enjoying playing at all and just became obsessed about my rating.

I know the answer is to not pay attention to rating and just continue to learn and get better, but I genuinely seem to hit a wall where I just cannot do that. I think I have finally accepted I have zero talent in chess and don't enjoy actually playing the game. I prefer to do puzzles and watch the professionals play. Quitting makes me feel like a failure and like I have just given up but I think for my mental health it is best to quit and just deal with non competitive hobbies in life.

TLDR: Quit chess for mental health as I can't handle my emotions in competitive games.

Has anyone else done a similar thing or do I just need to see a shrink?