Chemical paranoia is ruining my lab experience

Hey guys, I’m wondering if anyone else has struggled with this? I don’t use any particularly nasty chemicals - only PFA and formamide. This never used to be a problem until I used 4% PFA outside the fume hood once. I became super anxious after that incident and couldn’t stop thinking about it for weeks. Honestly, I still worry about getting cancer or something like that even now. This all became unbearable yesterday, when I accidentally used a buffer with 30% formamide in the laminar flow instead of a fume hood (as you can tell I’m quite absent minded despite being so anxious). It was only for about 5 minutes in total, pipetting 1ml at a time and closing all tubes/bottles after pipetting the volume up or down. After both incidents my supervisor said it was fine, but I spent the night worrying about my exposure and potentially developing long term consequences in the future or even having it impact my fertility. This fear is honestly ruining my experience and making me afraid of the lab. Not even so much as being worried about future exposure, but just thinking about these two incidents. I feel like being in the lab reminds me of them and I start worrying about the consequences of these exposures. Does anyone have any advice? Thanks so much!