Does anyone else feel hopeless about the future, EVEN if there is a cure?
I feel hopeless about my future, even if someday I am cured and will be completely healthy. There’s a couple reasons I feel like this. I am 25 now, but I started getting sick arguably 10 years ago when I was 15. I never went to school as a child and I never got my GCSEs but I still managed to get into and get through art college, but by the time I got into university I was getting sicker. I ended up graduating with a 2/2 thanks to this stupid illness that I was eventually diagnosed with one or two years later. But because I have a 2/2, it means I can never get a PGCE or do any masters degree which was my plan… and because of years of being too sick to work or do much of anything now, I haven’t been able to start building a career like my peers from college/university have. So, say for example a cure comes out within the next couple years, I don’t even know if it would matter for me anymore? I don’t know what I would do afterwards. I don’t have employable skills or qualifications. I don’t have any foundations to build a career off of. I will be a fish out of water if I am ever healthy, everyone else my age will be leagues ahead of me, and it’s terrifying. Society won’t have any empathy for me because I will be ‘healthy’. I will have to give up my disability benefits and get any old job to make money simply to survive because I will be healthy. Then I’ll end up stuck in a dead end job that I hate for the rest of my life, because I never had the qualifications or foundations to build a satisfying or meaningful career from. What's the point of that?
Idk. I just needed to vent. I feel like crying just thinking about it. It feels like life is just so pointless for someone like me. Healthy or not.... i don't think the earth is made for me, or that I'm cut out to live in society