How to stabilise Degenerative ME/CFS

I’m very severe. I crash, my baseline worsens. This pattern has been going on for 1.5 years now. I’ve been sick for 5 years with ME.

First 3 years I was mild, crashes would result in me bouncing back to my previous baseline. Life was great. Everything was easy.

Now, since a few bigger crashes and wisdom tooth surgery, plus some ciprofloxacin ear drops. My crashes worsen my condition permanently.

I’ve never improved it’s only stable or downward trending.

Clonazepam did “permanently” lift my baseline from very severe to severe (miraculously after the initial first dose). That was the only time I’ve improved.

What should I do? Any advice is welcome. I just want some ideas or similar experiences.

Note: I am medicine sensitive and can crash from them. I’m slowly starting to go down this avenue. MCAS is my first suspicion. I have orthostatic intolerance for sure as I get PEM from being upright. Not sure if it’s POTS though as saline IV does F all.

Really, I just want to be stable and not have to watch my health disappear right in-front of my eyes. Feels like im being eaten alive with my friends and family standing around watching helplessly.

Anyway, Help 🤷🏼‍♂️