carageenan controversy

degraded carrageenan is not food grade carageenan. it is so different from food grade carrageenan it has a different name - poligeenan. it's used for medical imaging and that one IS carcinogenic.

several doctors have spoken on the subject of the fear mongering wave social media has taken with carageenan because of the lack of proper research.

i added some studies below to help.

there is a table that differentiates carrageenan and poligeenan. poliegeenan is made in 1pH solution heated at 95 C for 6 hours. the body does NOT do that. so carageenan consumed CANNOT become degraded carageenan/poligeenan.

this study below is from europe explaining that food grade carrageenan is NOT carcinogenic.

now am i saying cats NEED carrageenan? absolutely not, and im sure some of our feline companians dont like it or dont do well with it. i want to make it clear that just because some cats dont do well on it, that doesnt mean its bad for ALL cats. cats can have dietary intolerances and allergies, but thats a cat by cat basis. if your cat does fine with carrageenan, it will not cause your cat to have cancer.

stop with the poor research and fear mongering.

edit: typos