What's wrong with this workplace?
So, I have three years of work experience, and I had to quit my previous company due to health issues. At this new company, been 5 months, it's remote and more or less same pay.
But, I hate it.
I am scared to get up and go to work, cause I know my morning will be ruined by my boss.
I work on a task. Then she pretty much gaslights me, belittles me, and tries to insult my work in front of the team. I always come up with a plan, that she never bother looking at and always changes goal posts once I meet them.
My coworkers aren't close. Which is fine. I trusted a person, who turned out to gossip about me, and tried to get into the limelight. I genuinely don't care about being noticed, as long as I can do my work and get paid on time. She hates me. It's obvious. Idk why.
Another coworker, ignores me for the most part, which I'm thankful for. The stars must have aligned. Because he initially tried to boss me around, but backed off.
Then, this other coworker seems like the shady guy who pretends to be nice, but is playing mind games.
It's just a simple job. But dealing with people like this makes it much harder than what needs to be.
My boss, is one of the main bosses on the company. There's no HR.
I don't know if I should stay longer, or leave (it's been 5 months).
Need your advice.