Wondering if any significant buildings or clubs from the swinging 60s of Phnom Penh still survive, even if they're run down or replaced.

Hello hello there! I'm popping down to Phnom Penh next week and making a little video on the music scene of the 60s and 70s. The legends like Sinn Sisamouth, Pen Ran, Yol Aularong, Meas Sam etc etc.

Leads in English are pretty hard to come by as you might imagine, but I'm hoping someone here might have some leads on any of the buildings or areas that were the back drop to this amazing time.

I'm talking places like the old RNK radio building, where Houy Meas played the newest tracks for the youth.

Clubs where Simn Sisamouth crooned for dignitaries like Magasin D'etat / Magetat.

Nightclubs where Baksey Cham Krom rocked out like Kbal Thnal and Raja Place.

Or any other building, park, street, anything that you think would have played a part in this era.

I realise most will of course have been knocked or fallen into disrepair - I don't care! Just to follow in the footsteps of these incredible artists will be enough for me!!

Thanks for reading.