What would be the easiest/safest way to route this thick button through the firewall to the interior?

2012 chevy camaro lt v6 120k. My electronic valve finally came in. I got the valve install and it seems like a much better fit than the manual one I had before. I need to get the switch to the interior somehow. I seen forum posts about rubber groments on the passenger and driver sides but the holes seem just wide enough for a wire not a button. Is there a safe space to drill a hole through the firewall? What would be the easiest way to do that? Any help would be appreciated. Also before it gets ask: I'm doing this as I don't have a phsycial blend door in my car (not broken, not misplace there no blend door anymore. I already cut into the dash and tried replacing it the ledge is smooth now and without spending thousands removing the windshield and dash it not possible to replace the blend door so please don't waste your time).