Advice for daughter(and parent) with deep 2nd degree burns

First off, I am so happy to have found this group. My daughter was burned with a cup of noodles on her 8th birthday. We went to the ER and initially they sent us home with directions to care for it, but after a follow up Thursday they admitted her for debridement and skin grafting. We are currently looking at a week or longer hospital stay, and deep 2nd degree burns across her stomach. Nurses and doctors have been great, and she is doing well. I was hoping someone could give me some advice though on their experience with skin grafting, she’s so scared for the procedure and to have another wound to worry about. She’s also struggling with talking about the day it happened, the trauma of it, and not wanting anyone to look at her burns or bandages because they are “ugly” and it was traumatizing (her words). So I guess I’m just looking for advice, healing process, experiences, etc. I’ve never had an experience with serious burns so it’s totally new to me. TIA!