Team Red switch nightmare
TLDR: 2070 super -> 7900xt -> correct swap process -> good for 2 weeks -> AMD drivers crashing -> tried all trouble shooting with bang all results
So blackfriday sales I grabbed a 7900xt (power color hellhound specter) as I figured it would be a sizable upgrade from the 2070S. Don't care for the latest and greatest new releases at 1st quarter, more into good deals. Went through the proper DDU driver uninstall, card instal, amd driver install. Everything went as flawless as could be. And I was enjoying the boost in visuals and frames for a solid 2 weeks. One day while gaming all monitors went black with a "no signal" message. I assumed maybe something got bumped with the cables. I powered off and checked all video cables. Powered back on to only 1 monitor and resolution being 1024x768 on a 2560x1440 monitor. Brain remembers this look from the DDU uninstall, go download the amd drivers and install. Back to normal. 1 hour later. Crashes again. Rinse and repeat 1 more time. And I start trouble shooting. Learn windows can uninstall drivers and install their own. I disable that in 3 different ways. Continues to crash. I learn SAM (amd smart access memory) can cause crashes. I disable that. Works for a few days. Crashed again. Decide I should disable XMP since the SAM "fix" worked best and maybe memory related. Few hours, then crash. I've Also tried 90% max GPU frequency in tuning, older driver versions, AMD cleanup tool, bios is on latest update (b450 tomahawk max, yes am4, 5700x3d), also is not game specific and at this point I'm sure it would crash on Google Chrome if I waited. Temps and Hotspot temps are within normal limits.
I always want to give things/parts/companies a fair chance and mitigate any personal responsibility of defects that I can, but at this point I'm ready to go back to team green even at the cost of bang for the buck. I've been super happy with the performance of the card (besides the crashing) and hate to give up on it, but at this point is there another option besides RMA and hope it's the physical fault of the card? The Amazon extended return for January is looking more and more appealing.