4th metatarsal fracture
3.5 weeks ago i jumped down from about 4’ onto a slippery platform, twisted and caught my R foot under my body weight. I saw stars - xray at ortho urgent care the next day found a stable fracture just above the base of my 4th metatarsal. I was given a boot with recs to increase weight bearing as tolerated and return to normal activities in 4 weeks. I’ve been out of work as it’s my R foot and i drive between numerous sites every day (healthcare).
I’m following up on Thursday with ortho but tbh I’m still in a LOT of pain. I can weight bear like 75% but after a few steps it’s too painful and aches for so long afterwards. I am worried I’m healing slower than she anticipated. Or maybe I’m babying it too much and this is normal pain for recovery? Other posts i see describe pretty strict NWB for 4 weeks after metatarsal fractures - what is the standard of care? I obviously sprained all those connective tissues as well so idk if that’s the source of the soreness or if it’s the bone.
Idk - any input? I’m going stir crazy and can’t afford much more unpaid time off (I’m getting some WFH hours but we don’t have a short term leave policy).