How are you all eating?
I am 2 months PP and I've been breastfeeding for the entire time, but I am terrible with my meals. My husband was home with me for 2 weeks and he made sure I ate properly during that time, but since he returned to work I mostly have only 2 meals per day, I even sometimes forget avout snacks. To be frank, I don't even feel hungry at times (except for the night feedings when hunger strikes like a bullet). However I am really scared that this could create problems to my supply, but I just don't know how to make sure I'm eating properly. My baby wants to be held at all times, and I love our cuddles, but it makes it impossible for me to make a proper meal for myself. How are you all eating during this time? I hope it will get better as the baby gets older.
Edit to add: I thank you all for your responses!!! I gathered many many good ideas and hope to make a better meal plan for myself. The worst part though is that my nurse practitioner was worried about nipple thrush (wrote about it in another post), although I seriously think I don't have it, but as a prevention she simply told me to avoid dairy, which really complicates my meal planning. I am also scared about not getting enough of calcium. Boy I thought food restrictions in pregnancy were bad, but this just might be worse...