Rant about my period
I’ll start by saying I’m grateful I could even breastfeed this time around. I despise the pumping and the cleaning parts and the bottle cleaning and then if it’s formula the guessing of how much to make, oops too much this time. Oh not enough this time. and the $$$. I love the convenience of being able to feed whenever, wherever.
But fuck this stupid period. I got my period back 3 months PP. Baby is now 8.5 months old. And every single month on top of all the joys that come with the period it’s like HEY ALSO your supply is going to drop! Have fun!! Baby is fussy at feeding time pulling, punching, biting, or my favourite… pulling off and poking my nipple. Like dude, I fucking know. Tapping the faucet wondering why the flow is slow.
Everything is hard. Everything is stressful. I can’t lose weight. I’m exhausted. All my hair is coming in grey. AND HERE COMES THE PERIOD!!!