Struggling with Breast Feeding, About to give up.
I am a second-time mom and 6 days PP. I attempted to BF my first but ended up getting sepsis from a catheter they struggled to insert following birth and went to the hospital for a week five days PP, and at that point, I had no chance, or energy, to try and BF. Even before I had to go to the hospital, I didn't produce much but I chalked it up to my body fighting a raging infection.
Last week I had my second son and the birth was a much better experience, but I am still struggling with feeding. In the hospital, he was latching great and I could manually express colostrum, but now I am not producing enough and I am supplementing with formula. After a 20-minute feed on both sides, he is still hungry. I have weighed him before and after a feed and he gains about 30 grams maximum, or 30 mL assuming the density of water.
I have tried Epsom salt in a haakaa with warm water. I have tried manually expressing in the shower with very hot water. My husband has tried helping me manually express while vibrating my ducts with me. I tried switching positions, I tried dangle feeding. I put his chin on the side that is the firmest to try and unclog the ducts. Nothing is working and I am very close to making the complete switch to formula.
I just finished a pump for 20 minutes and produced about 15 mL. This was the first time I saw milk spray from my breast, but only for a short amount of time and not consistently.
My right breast is significantly larger than my left and has some hard spots, but it won't produce. I think it is engorged and I have clogged ducts, but nothing is fixing it. I am torn between a production issue vs. delivery issue. If I am getting hard spots, I am assuming production is there and the delivery is blocked, but even if I see flow, it isn't a huge amount.
Has anyone found a solution that works for them, or a trick that I haven't listed above that I could try? I will be seeing my lactation specialist again next week, but everything they have suggested also isn't working for me. Please, any thoughts are very appreciated.