Is this normal and will it get better?

Hello, My baby girl is turning 7 months tomorrow. She is exclusively breastfed. As a newborn she was a surprisingly good sleeper, doing 6/7 hour stretches some nights right until the 4 month regression. Since then she has been pretty bad. This week we moved her into her own room and she’s now down to 2/3 night wakeups for feeds. Last night she went down at 730, woke up at 1120 for a feed, then 3am & 530am, slept until 7. Fed at each wake up, and I still feed to sleep at bedtime. She seems genuinely very hungry at each waking and takes down a lot of milk. I’m just so so so tired. My first daughter slept through the night from 6 months, but she was partially bottle fed (1 formula at bedtime). Not sure if that has anything to do with it. I am trying to feed her lots during the day and she is taking some solids plus has 3 reasonable naps. Not really sure where I am going with this post. I think I just want some reassurance that it’s normal in ebf babies and will eventually get better on its own! And maybe some practical tips to survive in the meantime 😞, such a tired mama and struggling to keep up with my energetic toddler on top of this.