Why does breastfeeding feel like?
I was talking to a friend yesterday and she mentioned how breastfeeding feel good. She said most times it feels similar to when you’re being intimate with your partner and they suck or fondle your nipples. She said orgasms/arousals are normal because of the oxytocin or something?
This freaked me out a bit. Because I don’t want to associate that with feeding my child? I know it’s clearly innocent and by no means am I trying to be weird or turn it into something it’s not. I have always wanted to breastfeed as I understand the benefits, but after my friend told me that I’m a little nervous/uncomfortable now.
She said it’s not a big deal, which I understand. I didn’t judge her, I just said oh okay cool, I didn’t know that. Because I genuinely didn’t. Yet, at the same time I’m just a little uncomfortable at that thought????
I’m 33w first time mom!