My one boob breastfeeding journey (slacker boob, no illness) with a low percentile baby
I just wanted to make this post for anyone who is struggling with a slacker boob. I'll keep is as short as I can.
Disclaimer: I'm fortunate to live in Canada where I had access to a free IBCLC/RN and weekly weighted feeds.
My kiddo needed SNS triple feeding until about 16 weeks old. We started at 4 weeks when he wasn't gaining sufficiently. He was at and below 1st percentile. Although he is small he should have been between 5th and 15th ideally. My slacker boob was always horrible. When I pumped I would often only pump less than 10ml from that breast. Weighted transfers showed the same thing.
Once we graduated from triple feeding I slowly weaned off the slacker boob over a month. At 5 months I introduced pureed solids. My kiddo is 7 months next week. He eats two puree meals a day and breastfeeds on demand off only the one breast. He is now at 15th percentile. The first 16 weeks were hard. Then things started getting better and better.