Staying fit as a mum, please tell me that it's possible and share your secret

Long story short: I was a sport addict before kids: 1 hour or more of intense sport everyday (swimming, running for marathon, some weight lifting). My mood is still very dependent on it. PROBLEM: I have two beautiful kids (6M + 4F) and a full time job + a weak pelvic floor, so no running anymore (so depressing and it was so time saving as no commuting to the gym was needed). QUESTION: how the hell do you stay fit with a family and a full time job? I am able to squeeze one peloton session (elliptical) of 1 hour once a week at night after che kids are asleep and a swim session after job while my husband picks up the kids from school, but for that I am often too exhausted and I only last for 50 min maximum. If I am lucky I go for a third session (swimming) on the weekend when I usually perform much better, but I ofter work on weekends, so... I have put some weight that won't go down and my mood is really suffering from the lack of sport, still I know that 2-3 times a week is much more what most people manage do. So, sport addicted mums, how do you survive? What am I doing wrong? Would you recommend to buy some more equipment to add to the peloton? What can I improve in my work out? I also use my bike to commute to work but it's not much (50 mins a day ).