Reckoners opinions?

Throwback to the time I was recommending someone read Brandon Sanderson and they asked what book to read and I said “I’d start with Mistborn or the Reckoners” and some guy who was NOT involved in the convo just randomly said “don’t read the reckoners it’s literally so bad” and absolutely refused to back down on this despite not providing a single reason why it was bad.😭😭

Anyway reckoners is in my top 5 Sanderson series, (that being Mistborn, Alcatraz, reckoners, rithmatist and of course my favorite series of all time, WOT - although I haven’t actually read sanderson’s contributions to that one yet — and of course I quite enjoyed Whitesands but not enough to make top five)

If any Sanderson book comes even close to deserving that reaction (out of the ones I’ve read) I’d say it was Skyward (I’d never DNFed a Sanderson book before reading that one and I haven’t since)

I thought it was great! Granted I read it when I was 12. But still! I think it’s a great concept, and I always laugh when people say “The Boys was the first to show what super heroes would really be like” because I’m just sitting there like “SANDERSON DID IT FIRST!!”)

Literally my only criticism of The Reckoners was that the ear make out session was incredibly weird and uncomfortable. Even thinking of it now gives me the heebie jeebies. If anyone ever tried to lick my ear I’d more than likely slap the ever loving life out of them on instinct alone 😭😭😭

Anyway, is this a common opinion? Do people really hate The Reckoners??