Is there anywhere to have book-club discussions with people currently reading the sane novel? Spoilers for WoK
I'm currently halfway through Way of Kings. I read Mistborn, Elantris and war breaker ten years ago but haven't picked up anything Cosmere since, until last week when I read Tress.
Halfway through Wok and I'd love to swap theories and ideas with others. I'm just bursting to talk about this book with other but I assume everyone on this sub has read it already. It really threw me when I realized I'm halfway through a Sanderson book and there ISN'T a robust magic system that has been explained in detail. This is kinda wild to realize and now I'm trying to figure out what it could be beyond what little we know of the way shard casting and fabrielles work... I'm also super interested in the Spren. At first they seemed like just ambient world building with no deep significance. But now I'm wondering if they somehow tie into the magic system eventually, or what if they are the living cells of a dead god that is trying to remalterialize... Why do people mostly ignore them? What if they want to EAT people???.
So yeah is there a discord or sub for first time readers? Please DON'T spoil anything in your replies haha