Eric (The On1y One) IG Post after Finale
Just wanted to share what Eric posted because the community is in shambles now
Wanted to write something today. I remember when in University, my teacher always said I was too conscious of how I appeared to others, always wanted to look cool, and in the end, I went to another extreme, so much so that my teacher hoped that I still respected the class etiquette and appearance.
After repeating this, I came to a realization.
The image of an Actor/Actress belongs to the role/character he/she takes on. The role dictates the outer appearance. So image with respect to a character persay is not a factor of success, but only a bonus. The success of a role depends on the Actor/Actress' internal emotions, past experiences, relationships with other characters, and the ability to understand the inner core of the character. So, for me, life experiences are far more important that an image (of the Actor/Actress). So casting image aside, and turning inwards and focusing on acting - that is the direction I have been working hard towards.
In the past, I have always attempted various genres and themes, challenging different types of roles. Of course, looking back, many of these roles were not perfect. But arn't imperfections meaningful? Don't you think? All these roles have constantly reminded me that I have to continue to work hard and enrich my experiences in life, to enrich my heart, so that when we meet again, I will be better.
I also truly hope that all of you will remember the roles I have played, and have been part of the joys and sorrows sometime during your lives. To have a character who is remembered by an audience is the greatest gift for an Actor/Actress.
Last but not least, I hope you enjoyed my performance.