I Think I Have Feelings For My Best Friend…

I wanna tell him! Hes so fucking cute! Hes super flirty around me but I cant tell if hes joking. He changed his name and pfp on Discord to the fictional character I have a crush on! He married me on the discord marriagebot right after that too! Im probably not good enough though! My art is dogshit compared to his! Ive never dated anyone so im worried im gonna mess up and ruin everything :(

I wanna tell him! Hes so fucking cute! Hes super flirty around me but I cant tell if hes joking. He changed his name and pfp on Discord to the fictional character I have a crush on! He married me on the discord marriagebot right after that too! Im probably not good enough though! My art is dogshit compared to his! Ive never dated anyone so im worried im gonna mess up and ruin everything :(