What would make Boston a winter city?
Last year, there was an interesting city council hearing about the concept of winter cities (ie, cities that make the most of their frigid seasonal climates) and what Boston could do to make wintertime more enjoyable. Nothing much really came of the hearing but I found the topic intriguing. For as long as I've lived in Boston (since 2011), winter has been a time when most people migrate indoors for 3-4 months and I find that sad. Nothing against folks who prefer to hunker, but the fact that this is our cultural norm for a season that can easily exceed one third of a calendar year doesn't feel civically healthy.
Granted, a lot of the recreational activities that people enjoy in cities like Montreal or Minneapolis can be tougher to pull off in Boston, as our winters have become less snowy and more rainy. But still...the question remains. What would make Boston a winter city?