Are business and self-help books overrated?
I've read a lot over the past few years (about 50 books a year), most of which fall into the business/self-help categories. From "Extreme Ownership" and leadership books to "Atomic Habits," I've covered almost everything in these genres.
Lately, I find it increasingly difficult to finish books. Even when I check Goodreads before starting a book, the reviews are very mixed. Often, books can be boiled down to a few core messages and repeat the same thing with examples and stories. I've been working for 11 years and have now reached the director level, and I wonder if books are the way forward for me.
Should I rather regularly revisit the most important books for me,continue with reading new books, or should I consume snackable content on TikTok and YouTube Shorts plus blogs on current topics? The big question for me is, are those books overrated at a certain knowledge level?
The question might seem a bit exaggerated, but somehow I'm getting less and less out of reading books, and on the other hand, it does take a lot of time to read a book. I don't mean to be polarizing - I'm genuinely curious about your views on this.