questions about pushups and losing weight with bodyweight only.
so i used to be big in fitness and love working out, last year i had been very disciplined for a big part of the year, but kind of lost it because of life and moving to where a gym isnt really accessible, i decided to get back and try to get a good physique since i really dont like the look i got nowadays, I put about 10-15 kgs and am currently around 79-80 kg depending of the day.
my first thought was start doing pushups, i always loved em and burpees, but i realized besides the fact that well... im way weaker which i was expecting, but also that after i finish a set my wrists would kind of hurt for a bit, and would feel tight i guess? idk how to explain other than that. Idk if its from the extra weight, form or what else could be to it there something to it?
also for losing weight what would be best way to approach it? i never had a problem with weight before, but now i do think getting rid of those extras could be quite nice, should i just do my workouts and try to be in a caloric deficit? or could there be other important things i could do?
and last thing what would be some good resources to learn from, and get a good workout from? this time i want to stay consistent and learn how to do my workouts best way possible, i did get some results from doing just what i thought was good, but there surely would be better ways than just doing bunch of push ups.