Is there a cooperative card game using a standard playing card deck?

I picked up Hanabi recently and have been absolutely in love with it. Its cooperative nature makes it so much fun to play with the family/partner, and the Bridge-esque need for conventions gives it a lot of depth. My curiosity got me wondering if a similar game could be done with standard playing cards. Or heck, forget about any similarity to Hanabi, surely with hundreds of years of playing card history there must be some cooperative games out there. To my astonishment, I couldn't find any well established cooperative game using a standard deck.

A few things Google turned up:

  • Shamus, a pretty bizarre looking collision between Uno and Rummy.

  • The Quiet Year, a beautiful story-telling system using a standard deck as the engine, but this is really not the kind of game I'm imagining.

  • This thread on BGG with a few co-op variants on standard games.

  • And that's about it.

So, anyone here know of some gem?