Comment your Ugliest/Cutest/Weirdest Manhwa Baby
Howdy! So, we've enabled images in comments and I feel like this is a FANTASTIC time to ask for some of your favourite manhwa babies! Personally, I'm fascinated by manhwa babies. I think that they're all incredibly unique (and often very offputting-looking). I want to see the cute, the ugly, the weird. Flood this post with babies!!
My entry: Match-Rate 99.99% (an absolute freak of a baby)
Howdy! So, we've enabled images in comments and I feel like this is a FANTASTIC time to ask for some of your favourite manhwa babies! Personally, I'm fascinated by manhwa babies. I think that they're all incredibly unique (and often very offputting-looking). I want to see the cute, the ugly, the weird. Flood this post with babies!!
My entry: Match-Rate 99.99% (an absolute freak of a baby)