Todays the day

I know this community gives the game a lot of shit. I personally don’t care about all the crybaby’s and just play to have fun. Currently prestige 7 lvl 29 with 1.2 w/l and 1.5 kd. Yes I’m not the best player by any means. I don’t try to be. I’m here for fun. With all that being said.

I’m fucking pumped for today. New maps. New zombie map. New battlepass. New game modes. I’m here for it.

A bit pissed I got a chat warning last night when the worst I do is say “fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck” real fast while being shot at and trying not to die and run away or dice or whatever lol. Idk how that would give me a warning. But the point remains.

I’m excited for season 2. Idc if you guys wanna keep shitting on the game. Feel how you want. Do what you want. I’m not here to judge. Imma be enjoying it and having fun tho