As I get older I start to dislike America's gun culture more and more

Now don't get me wrong, I've been extremely pro-gun ownership my whole life, I grew up around a lot of them and around people that handled and treated them responsibly (most of the time). I viewed them as a way of life and a key tool of defense, a necessary evil at worst and a revolutionary and important tool at best, especially for black men, as the 2nd amendment, while it tends to be used against us, applies to our exact situation. I felt like guns were harmless and it was people who tended to be aggressive (I still feel this way about people being aggressive, not so much so about guns, this is actually why I feel differently now and ill explain shortly) and everybody around me thought more or less the same way so I felt those thoughts were justified.

Nowadays I view life as being both positive and negative, and i believe we have to accept both in order to truly be whole in our lives. Because of this I feel like positive and negative are subjective and we should look at logic and facts to properly engage with life before reacting with it in the way we deem appropriate. I feel the same way with guns, they're just a fact of life, they would've been invented by someone else of someone else didn't already do it, might as well adapt.

Now with that being said, from a logic standpoint, unless you're a farmer or a hunter, why do you need a gun? (For fun isn't a valid answer, that's actually psychopathic 😂) shoot at opps? Why do THEY need guns? Robbers? Why do they need guns? Cops? Why do they need guns? (We know the answer im just making a point)

Seems like everybody needs guns mainly because other people have guns, or because they want to hurt other people. And guns only empower people that would otherwise never hurt a fly to seriously hurt or kill multiple people with ease for anything. The average person does NOT need that power. If nobody had guns, nobody would need guns, except for the responsible owners that need guns (and no those people aren't gonna go Rambo on a school shooter just because they have a gun, the people that would are usually also the types to take advantage of hurting a human being and let's be honest why should people risk their lives over a silly assumption like that?). It's not fair and makes zero sense that kids, old people, disabled people and hard working people can be seriously hurt or killed over something they knew nothing about, while walking down the street from far away and getting hit with strays, to random robberies, to shootouts where people use human shields, if nobody had guns how many people would be bold enough to do that nonsense? VERY few.

My homies all say I'm tripping or I sound like an uncle ruckus amd ive even been called a traitor (if that makes me a traitor to ignorance i have no problem with it whatsoever)but idc. The average person just has ZERO good enough reason to own a gun except certain circumstances. Shit even the police don't need guns, they need training and less racism, and the military should only loan guns out in times of actual active war, and require unarmed soldiers any other time.

An unarmed world is a safe world. I might have to move to Europe at some point in my life, since America seems to hate nudity more than open full scale homicidal violence, while Europe doesn't mind dangly bits here and there, because they seemed to actually figure out that seeing a naked person in public is WAY more survivable than seeing a 14 year old with no parental guidance shoot a fully automatic handgun into a crowd of people 🤦🏿‍♂️