The choke is on me

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A guy at my gym asked me to go easy on chokes because he had a gig coming up. We fist-bumped, and right away, he pulled guard with his knee on my throat holding my two collars. Looking back, I probably should have stopped the round there.

As I defended, he grabbed my lapel and wrapped it around my neck, putting me in a half choke. You know… when it’s not a sub but it gets you dizzy after a while because you’re using too much oxygen and the lapel is tight in one side of your neck. I wasn’t expecting it at all. Adrenaline kicked in and I spent about two minutes half-choked, struggling to escape as we moved into different positions and sweeps, barely able to think because I was almost out. I was in survival mode and didn’t think to just tap because it never felt the choke was on. It took me half of a round to get that lapel out of my neck.

Afterward, I realized I had assumed he wouldn’t try chokes since he asked me not to. Turns out, his rule seemed to be “no chokes on him because his throat is important,” but apparently, it was fair game for me. So the choke was on me! Edited: I honestly wanted to check what most think so removed my rant on the guy cause he might be right. 🤷🏽‍♂️