ISO Slim-Fit High-Rise Black Jeans w/ Stretch

BWT: ISO slim-fit high-rise black stretch jeans, size 26ish for every day wear for less than $100. I had thrifted these ones pictured here and stupidly got rid of them and I’m looking for something exactly like these! Washed black color, full length, slim but not skinny. The ones in the photo were Cotton-On I believe but don’t see the style on their website. I found these Levi 724 Slim that look pretty close.*EC*US*EN*18061662142*PMAX*goog*&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAC-PMYW4MWUG5qQQvH_d5iBZL4eBW&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIq-6ahqHvigMVFS-tBh1Omxa5EAQYASABEgJ3TfD_BwE

Does anyone have these? Any other recs? Thank you!

BWT: ISO slim-fit high-rise black stretch jeans, size 26ish for every day wear for less than $100. I had thrifted these ones pictured here and stupidly got rid of them and I’m looking for something exactly like these! Washed black color, full length, slim but not skinny. The ones in the photo were Cotton-On I believe but don’t see the style on their website. I found these Levi 724 Slim that look pretty close.*EC*US*EN*18061662142*PMAX*goog*&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAC-PMYW4MWUG5qQQvH_d5iBZL4eBW&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIq-6ahqHvigMVFS-tBh1Omxa5EAQYASABEgJ3TfD_BwE

Does anyone have these? Any other recs? Thank you!