Is there any birth control which doesn't kill your libido?
I have a pretty low libido as it is - unmedicated, I generally only think about sex for like 3-4 days a month around my ovulation.
Every time I've gone on the pill, my libido goes from that normal place I'm at (let's call it 3/10 horniness) straight down to fully -20/10. Like "the concept of you touching me makes me sick", "absolutely no way, sex right now would be traumatizing for me" kind of anti-horniness.
The only reason I want to go on birth control is so I can have better sex and not constantly feel like sex is dangerous and that I should never relax during it for fear of making a condom mistake. Which in itself is part of why my libido is low in the first place. So if the BC kills my libido, it's completely counter to the point. I really want this though. I am so tired of that stress and fear being tied to sex.
Edit: I'm 34F and fwiw I'm 95% sure I'll remain childfree, but just not quite 100% ready to commit to that