I hope this is allowed…?

Hi! I’m basically here to ask if anyone has found a mood stabilising/antipsychotic medication that hasn’t had that dreaded weight gain side effect? Lately my manic episodes are becoming worse; they are occasionally mercifully a little shorter than previously but I’ve been having bad hallucinations and terrible spending (so, so much debt that has me super stressed out) and usually can barely remember most of what has happened during them when I come back into a level state except the mess I have created that surrounds me. Full disclosure; I am also diagnosed with Anorexia Nervosa- I am in and out of states of recovery the last year or two; this isn’t helped by my mania though as I often can’t or don’t sleep, do a lot and have little to no appetite. This also causes a problem with medication taking; due to my eating issues I often flat out refuse or avoid taking medication treatment for my mania. The few medications I’ve tried so far caused severe weight gain and appetite issues and have really sort of scared me off of accepting any further medication. Antidepressants usually simply trigger mania/hypo mania so aren’t an option nor are they really helpful, either.

I want to be more stable but I can’t overcome my fear that all medication is going to have this same weight/appetite effects. Is there anything out there that won’t change my appetite or cause a massive amount of rapid weight gain? I can’t take anything that may reduce my appetite too much, either, as that would also cause issues. I guess I’m just at a loss. I don’t want to keep having these issues and nothing much has helped. Just I guess hoping someone out there has some experience stories that may help or soothe me about medicating again.