I’m absolutely losing my mind

My 10 year long relationship ended because I had to call the cops on him and get a PFA because of some truly terrible things that happened over a month ago. I now am a single mom, no money to move, no one to room with, a job I can’t really work because I need daycare and I don’t qualify for assisted daycare unless I work 20 hours a week. I can’t make more than an absorb minimum or I lose my state benefits and my ex has me landlocked into a property I paid the majority for, as well as I financially backed us both for 10 years. I paid for our daughter all by myself and he contributed nothing for me. Up until last week I was the one paying his phone bill. He keeps pushing the narrative I’m unstable, unable to take care of myself and our daughter and thinks I’m a detriment to her all because I’m bipolar. He’s constantly gaslighting me, making me second guess myself and I have cptsd from the abusive relationship as a whole. He still sits there and says to me that he “doesnt know what we are doing” and “this is killing” him right now. Like, what?! It’s killing ME that he told me he wanted to kill me and set my shit on fire with our daughter in his lap. I feel scared and alone, isolated from the world. I feel like everyone believes him when he tells them I’m crazy even though I’m being told otherwise. My confidence is so shot, I can’t even shovel the snow without thinking I’m incompetent. Now I’m stuck thinking I’m manic when really I’m just stressed and I don’t want to make a snap or hasty decision that can be life altering right now in this state BUT the PFA is only good for another month and I have to find a place to go NOW. I’m crying- fucking sobbing, and not even over the fact I can’t give my daughter a decent Christmas right now. This house gives me ptsd. I just got prescribed two new meds on TOP of the med I’m already taking. Oh and my memory? It’s soooooo bad because of all the cptsd trauma that I’m forgetting the names of objects now. I’m. Fucking. Losing. It.