Arduino EEPROM programmer not producing serial output signal
[Solved] TLDR: Bad breadboard. Tried a solder breadboard instead which may have worked. But I ended up using an Xgecu T48 universal programmer instead. Details in comment below.
I've been having trouble programming my EEPROM's for a while now and finally bit the bullet and bought a cheap logic analyser from Aliexpress, which works great! Upon testing Ben's Arduino EEPROM programmer that I built I noticed that there were no address signals being produced. I've traced this back to the Arduino and have noticed that what looks like the clock pulse is being produced on pin D2 - SHIFT_DATA and nothing on pin D3 - SHIFT_CLK. The Arduino code looks correct and i've tried reflashing at multiple times. WRITE_ENABLE, SHIFT LATCH and the EEPROM DIgital write pins all seem to be working fine. It's just those 2 serial pins seem to not match their defined pins. I'm not really sure what to do as there are no more digital pins avaliable.
Board is an Arduino Nano Every
clock signal seems to be emmitting from the serial output
Ben's code uploaded directly from his github
I wasn't really thinking about the sample rate. Baud rate is 57600. I tried upping the sample rate to 500khz (10x) to try and get a better picture. see below.