“Use what you’ve got” content creators

Hi all! This is half vent and half looking for recommendations so bear (bare? idk) with me.

I am looking for beauty content creators who focus more on using the products they have and just overall focus on tutorials rather than just product recommendations. I am beyond sick of a million videos a day of “full face of new products” and hearing “you NEED this product.” I am interested more in the artistry side of makeup than the products/consumerism side that it seems like many content creators have turned to.

I understand that this is the creators job and I’m never going to be able to fully avoid product reviews and new drops, but I’m just looking to move my support to creators who I align with a bit more in terms of using what you’ve got in a fun and creative way. A couple examples of creators who I think do this well are RoseandBen, Alexa Blake (YouTube), and Not Another Hanna (tik tok). Who else can you all recommend to me who fit into a similar category? Thanks!!