Disgusting roommates from hell

Where do I start… I have a male roommate and let’s just say his name is Kyle. Kyle is a great guy, generous and also a Marine. About 2 months ago Ken asked if I thought he should let one of his high school friends come and stay for a week because she needed a place to go. Let’s call her Dev and her gf Jen. He said they’d be bringing 2 cats. I told him it’s probably not a good idea, and seeing that I knew she’d previously been removed from sec 8 housing for not abiding by their no pet and no marijuana policy, I had reason to believe she’s not very considerate of people’s space or boundaries.

He lets her come anyways. Since then this girl and her gf have absolutely wrecked what was once a nice cozy place shared by 2 genuinely good friends since we were 8. Neither of them showed but maybe once per week and every guest I’ve had immediately make remarks regarding the intense odor upon entering our home, they hear but just kind of act like they done. They leave everything out in the public spaces of our home; dirty dishes, a tampon applicator in my bathroom floor, clothes in the washer and the dryer and the laundry room floor, trash everywhere and old moldy food on our refrigerator.

When it comes to the 2 cats, my roommate requested that they don’t bring them and they brought them anyways even though he stated he’s allergic. They gave a disclaimer to not open the door to the space were allowing them to occupy, 8x10 mind you, because the cats may escape. One day they forgot to close the door all the way and the cats escaped the room into the house, climbing all over the common areas that are shared with someone that has an allergy. Here’s the kicker, they had lied and actually had 5 cats.

I had to fly out of town for 10 days. Before leaving I noticed that my bathroom toilet was leaking so I turned the water off and informed them to no longer use it. Upon my arrival back home, my entire room next door to the bathroom was waterlogged from them using the toilet the entire time. Everything was soaking wet for days. I addressed it.

A couple days later I told my roommate Kyle that I was gonna clean my bathroom that they’d utterly destroyed and to my surprise the toilet was filled to the brim with human waste. I complained for it to take a week for them to do anything about it. Well, not much later I started hearing them go in the bathroom at night and couldn’t figure out why. Turns out they started using my bathtub as a toilet.(pic) Something they have yet to clean for weeks now.

I’ve taken pics of the room we let them occupy and there is cat shit everywhere. They will then take their linens covered in waste and coop up in the living room and further subject us to their filth.

I sent a long drawn out message going off on them for hijacking our home from us with filth. I also told them that at least 3 of the cats needed to be rehoused. She takes them somewhere only to brag the next day to a friend that she had snuck yet another snake into the house.

I use my roommates bathroom but it’s an extension of his bedroom. People always ask if I shower on top of their waste.

I’ve added some pictures of what they’ve done to our house. In one you’ll see the bathtub and the mold growing from their urine sitting there for literal weeks. 2 of them are my bedroom as of right before this post to prove that I have way different cleanliness standards.

One of them is pregnant but still vapes, smokes cigarettes and weed. She refuses to eat prenatal vitamins because they don’t taste good even though her baby is 2 pounds under weight and the brain is underdeveloped. When I tell you these women are so insufferable, I can’t emphasize it enough.

I want to move but I just can’t afford it currently. I’m so depressed and disgusted that I refuse to use the laundry room, fridge, dishes etc. I just want to escape in all honesty. I’m down to avert any questions! Thanks if you read this far, my thumb hurts!