Dec-27| War & Peace - Epilogue 2, Chapter 12


  1. Today's Podcast
  2. Ander Louis translation of War & Peace
  3. Medium Article by Denton

Discussion Prompts (Recycled from last year)

  1. In order to define the laws of history, we must admit that humans do not possess free will. This is my understanding of Tolstoy's concluding argument. Do you agree?
  2. Are you satisfied with this ending or do you feel it is anticlimactic?
  3. Now that we are finished did you enjoy the book? Marks out of 10?

Final line of today's chapter:

... In the first case it was necessary to renounce the consciousness of an unreal immobility in space and to recognize a motion we did not feel; in the present case it is similarly necessary to renounce a freedom that does not exist, and to recognize a dependence of which we are not conscious.