My girlfriend is unreasonably mad at me because I love Avenged Sevenfold. Should I break up with her?
So recently my girlfriend saw some videos on tiktok about some trend where women ask their boyfriends different questions in the line of "would you choose me or [something important to him]? Apparently it's meant to test your boyfriends priorities or something like that.
So my girlfriend started asking all these questions about whether I'd choose her or my favorite video games, favorite food, mother, father, etc.
I was being completely honest, and said I'd choose my girlfriend over everything. Well... except for one thing.
At one point she asked whether I'd choose her, or Avenged Sevenfold and I truthfully said I'd choose Avenged Sevenfold over her. She was confused and asked if I was serious and I said yes.
She then started asking if that means I'd choose Avenged Sevenfold over everything she asked previously like my whole family and I said yes I'd choose Avenged Sevenfold. I tried to explain to her how Avenged Sevenfold is the best band ever and she didn't seem to understand.
We had an argument about it and she went home very mad and hasn't texted me since. This happened 2 days ago.
Now I'm thinking of breaking up with her. Honestly, I never wanted to be with someone who doesn't understand my passion regarding the best band ever. I thought she would be different than my 8 other exes who all left me because of my love for Avenged Sevenfold but I guess it's better to be disappointed 5 years into the relationship before marrying a person like that. Any advice on how I should proceed?