Can’t figure out which subset of autumn I am!

Hi everyone!

It’s been pretty apparent to me most of my life that I’m an autumn. I have mousy hair that was blonde in childhood, dark brown eyes that are almost black, and a warmish tone to my skin, though I am pale. My mother is Eastern European and I favor her coloring. Though my eyes are dark I am rather low contrast and muted.

I feel like I have attributes of all the autumn features, so I’m unsure which one I am! I have noticed lately in some professional photos of me I am looking rather washed out wearing certain neutral colors, so I’m hoping this will help me figure out what looks best on me neutral-wise.

I look good in browns, oranges, certain greens, and pops of blue. I look bad in yellows, unless they are dark and mustard in color.

Attached are photos of me without and with makeup on.

Appreciate your help!