Female traits - think I might be on the Spectrum?
I think I might be on the Autistic Spectrum and am looking for advice.
I’ve always found it difficult to understand the “rules” of life and find it extremely difficult to understand people’s intentions. But I’m quite sociable and insightful- I will see things others don’t sometimes so it never occurred to me that I might be on the spectrum
However, I’ve been in a relationship for 18 months with someone who isn’t autistic. And it’s made me realise I’m not really that “normal” emotionally. I’ve suffered a couple of major traumas over the past few months and just could not cope with the mixture of emotions.
Feeling lots of things or being unsure what to do/not understanding what I was supposed to feel was unbearable. Understanding what my partner was going through was hard - he was grieving just like me but I couldn’t understand it really. I just knew what I supposed to do to be supportive.
However, once I “worked out” the reasons for how I felt and once I worked out a practical solution to the problem- I’m fine. Like literally FINE.
I’ve suffered major loss (unfortunately I lost my baby) and as soon as I “knew what to do” about grief, it’s almost like it never happened. My poor partner is in pieces (understandably) but I can’t understand why he can’t just “get on with it” because I’ve worked out the pattern of emotions and what to do.
For me it’s never the trauma that overwhelms me, it’s not having a set way to cope with it.
I’ve just taken an online assessment with a private group, and scored Highly which surprised me. Where do I go from here? Thanks very much for any advice!