Trump is getting rid of dei which we are included in
It’s mind boggling to me that so many people oppose dei while not even knowing who all it includes. And it’s not the same thing as affirmative action or diversity hire, which a lot of people seem to think. I literally do not understand how anyone can be against equity for EVERYONE in the workplace, nothing bad comes from it. No way my autistic ass is getting hired now. The absolute delusion these people have that there is no workplace discrimination is just beyond me.
Edit - I’m not going to keep repeating this. Dei aims for better treatment of minorities/marginalized people in the work force. It is not a policy in which unqualified minorities are hired. The people hired are just as qualified, they’re just not overlooked due to arbitrary factors such as a disability like adhd, gender, race, etc. its about making the work environment safe for everyone so in turn employees work more effectively. it’s a good extra protection to have and getting rid of it sets a really bad precedent in my opinion. Unconscious workplace biases have always been a thing and dei is in place of hopes of lessening that. There is literally nothing bad or unfair about dei existing. Does dei fall short sometimes? Yes. But that doesn’t mean removing it entirely is the move. We need to improve upon it instead of taking a step backwards. And I’m done arguing about people about the validity of removing dei and trump himself, you can read my other comments if you wish to but I’m not gonna say the same thing to different people who chose to speak without doing the slightest amount of research. There are way too many comments to reply to. 😭 I’m tired. Didn’t expect to blow up like this lol.