Anyone feel like you could die from a headcold while being sick and autistic?
I have a sinus infection currently, and I feel like I want to be taken out back like an old dog in a fiction book. Everything is a nightmare. And this is always how it goes. For almost a full 48 hours I can keep telling myself “you’re sick, this is how people feel when they’re sick” but then usually the night of the second day I lose my shit. I am crying, whining, ruminating on how awful I feel, the works. I don’t know how to stop focusing on how sick I feel. I feel like I can’t tell the difference between ER sick and headcold sick because i legitimately get anxious over the fact that i get worse or am not feeling better or like im starting to heal by the second day, which i know is not possible for all things. Logically I am aware of that. But I get so scared and so anxious and so angry at the feelings I am feeling, I just want them to stop. I feel like I forget what it’s like to not feel this way and I panic. I don’t get sick super often but when I do it always knocks me on my ass, and then I panic the entire time I am sick. And I feel like everyone thinks I’m a big baby, and that makes me feel worse. Idk. I wanna unzip my face and spoon out the mucus in my sinuses with a melon baller. This is ungodly horrid. Does anyone else feel like extreme extreme distress when sick? I feel like nobody I talk to that isn’t autistic ever feels like this level of irritation and upset when they are sick